Division of Campus Life
Student Conduct and Community Standards

Conduct Process & Procedures

Brown's Student Conduct Procedures are designed to be educational and provide processes to investigate and resolve alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct pertaining to the behavior of individuals and student groups.

Student Conduct Procedures

These two procedural documents, while similar, contain distinct and detailed information about the conduct processes for students and student groups.

Student Conduct Process Overview

Both the Student Conduct Procedures and the Student Conduct Procedures for Student Groups provide more detail about the conduct process; a general overview of this information can be accessed through the links below and throughout this website.

If a student or group of students potentially violates the values, norms, or rules of our Brown community, community members may report the violation to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards.
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards receives and reviews reports containing allegations of prohibited conduct from several sources, including Brown community members, the Department of Public Safety, Providence Police, University offices/employees, and persons unaffiliated with the University.
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards uses an individualized, educational approach to resolving complaints, employing a variety of disciplinary and non-disciplinary options and actions.
The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards assigns or offers various options for resolving conflict, including meetings, hearings, conferences, and administrative review.
Brown is committed to ensuring fairness and integrity by outlining the rights and responsibilities of all participants in the student conduct process.
During the student conduct review process within the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards, a finding of responsibility will result in appropriate outcomes being assigned. These outcomes may include a community status and terms.
When outcomes have been assigned during the student conduct review process within the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards, there is a clear and consistent process for appealing a decision.