Division of Campus Life
Student Conduct and Community Standards

No Contact Orders

No Contact Orders prohibit students from visiting, calling, or sending messages to each other - physically, electronically, or through third parties.

No Contact Orders are not considered to be disciplinary actions and do not become part of a student's conduct record. However, failure to abide by a No Contact Order may result in disciplinary action and could result in disciplinary sanctions and a conduct record.

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards encourages students to attempt to resolve their own conflicts first when possible. However, we understand that these attempts are not always successful and that some circumstances make these attempts impossible.

If you need assistance in halting another student's contact with you, please make an appointment to speak to one of the deans in the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards by calling 401-863-2653 or by emailing student-conduct@brown.edu.

Things to know about No Contact Orders

  • We will not put NCOs in place between parties who live together - until they no longer live together.
  • We will ask about any shared classes and try to make arrangements accordingly.
  • We will ask about any shared extracurricular activities and make decisions about how to manage the NCO during those activities.
  • We will ask about overlapping social circles and the challenges that might arise because of them.
  • It is possible that one or more of these factors may make the situation too complicated to be able to manage an NCO.
  • NCOs typically remain in place until the requesting party asks for it to be removed or until the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards deems it no longer necessary.
  • The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards may put an NCO in place even if students do not request one if circumstances warrant it.

Contact Us

If you have questions about whether certain behaviors or activities may violate the terms of a No Contact Order, please contact the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards at 401-863-2653. To report a violation of your No Contact Order, you can either contact our office during business hours or the Department of Public Safety at 401-863-3322 during non-business hours.