Division of Campus Life
Student Conduct and Community Standards

Medical Amnesty

No student seeking medical treatment for alcohol or other drug use will be subject to University disciplinary action for the sole violation of using alcohol or other drugs.

In cases of intoxication and/or alcohol poisoning, health and safety are the primary concerns. Individuals are strongly encouraged to call for medical assistance for themselves or others who may be dangerously intoxicated. No student seeking medical treatment for alcohol or other drug use will be subject to University disciplinary action for the sole violation of using alcohol or other drugs. This policy shall extend to a student seeking help for another student.

While requiring medical assistance due to alcohol or other drugs may not result in disciplinary action against the student, it will result in required follow-up with an educator. For information about when to call for help or what to expect from the follow-up appointment with an educator, please consult the office of BWell Health Promotion.

If you are concerned about your own or another's safety due to the use of alcohol or other drugs, please call Emergency Medical Services at 401-863-4111.

It is important to note that subsequent incidents requiring medical treatment for intoxication or ingestion of other drugs and/or other violations while under the influence of substances (e.g., fighting, vandalism) may lead to disciplinary action.