Division of Campus Life
Student Conduct and Community Standards


When outcomes have been assigned during the student conduct review process within the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards, there is a clear and consistent process for appealing a decision.

Appealing an OSCCS Decision

Appeals are typically considered if there is new, relevant evidence that was not reasonably available during the original hearing or if a significant procedural error may have impacted the decision. If the appeal is found to have merit, the appeal officer may modify the findings, community status, or terms, or may refer the case for further review. Both respondents and complainants have the right to appeal. 

An overview is below; full details can be found in the Student Conduct Procedures.

Complainant Appeals

For cases involving harassment or harm, complainants have the same right to appeal as respondents. If the appeal is found valid, the appeal officer may change the decision, modify outcomes, or send the case for further review. Complainant appeals will be shared with the respondent, who can respond within three business days.

Respondent Appeals

Once a respondent has been notified of any non-restorative outcome, they have five days to submit a written appeal, stating the reasons for their appeal. If the case involves charges related to harassment or harm to a person, the appeal will be shared with the complainant, who may submit a response within three business days. 

File an Appeal with OSCCS

If you believe your case has new, relevant evidence that was not reasonably available during the original hearing or if a significant procedural error may have impacted the decision, you may submit the Student Conduct & Community Standards Appeal Form. 

*Please note that this appeal form is NOT for use in appealing admission decisions.*

OSCCS Appeal Form